Well, as you can see by looking out my window, it was a rainy day today. A bit of a bummer for sure, but it was nice too. We got to hang out at home in our PJ's, and we haven't done that in a long time. And I do love hangin out in my jammers.
Well, we made the best of it. We started our day with a nice pot of coffee, some toast, some cereal, some eggs. Over all, a nice classic breakfast.
Then I did some Facebooking and Geoff played his game (Civilization 5) and the kids watched some TV. Eventually Geoff went in for his shower and the kids and I did some colouring. I love to colour! It's very relaxing I think. Anyway, after the colouring and the shower (oh and Anna's bath), John made us lunch. It was a tasty lunch of plain pasta with butter, salt, pepper and Mrs. Dash. Yes it was a boring lunch but you have to remember, he's eight and just learning to cook things for us.
So, after lunch we made our way downstairs to watch a movie. We decided on Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers. We let the kids watch The Fellowship of the Ring a few weeks ago and they both really enjoyed it. So, naturally we decided on the second installment. John really liked it, Anna...not so much. She got bored with it and decided to come up stairs and rest on the couch and watch something she liked.
So, while the kids were watching shows I made supper. We were having some guests over so I thought I should make something special. Something comforting on a rainy day. I decided on a roast beef dinner with potatoes, carrots, corn and gravy. Doesn't get much more comforting than that, eh?
Well, with supper done, the kids went to play, me and my bud Joanne sat at the table and chatted and Geoff (my bitch) and Troy (Joanne's bitch) went to Toys R Us for some Christmas shopping.
So, over all I have to say. I had a really good rainy day. So, rain rain go away and come again another day, please.